Robinson Richard, H., & Williard L. Johnson. 1997, The
Buddhist Religion, A Historical Introduction, pp
141-153 Wadsworth Publishing Company
Orthodoxy and Syncretism, History and Culture
Theravada Buddhism has been preserved
in Sri Lanka and in South East Asian Countries. Theravada is concerned with the
quest for purity. Its royal patrons have sponsored over the centuries this
search for purity through the Pali texts, pure ordination lines and
encouragement of strict practices.
Buddhism in further India
In south east asia even though a Sri
Lanka narrative tradition maintains that Emperor Asoka in 247 BCE sent
missionaries to SavannaBhuma, identified as the Mon country in what is now Myammar
and central Thailand, there is no archeological evidence supporting that
Buddhism was present so early. It much more likely spread with Indian trade and
by the 11th c CE various forms of Buddhism (Theravada, Sarvastivada,
Mahayana and Vajrayana) coexisted with Hinduism and animism. By the late 8th
c CE we can see Mahayana and Saivism, with Tantrism.
In Sri Lanka Buddhism came through the
mission sent by Emperor Asoka, headed by
his son Mahinda and his daughter Sangamita (who brought with her a shoot
of the Boddhi tree to be planted as a relic offering). Sri Lanka over the
centuries acquired the reputation of the pure teachings and attracted many
monks and scholars. One of them in particular Bhuddaghosa left texts that today
are regarded as more authoritative than the canon itself in Sri Lanka and Burma.
Bhuddaghosa came from Karniciuram, and asked permission to translate the texts.
The elders to test his knowledge asked him to compose a treatise in Buddhist
practice. This treatise Viuddhimaga (The Path to Purification) along with the
Pali commentaries of Bhuddaghosa are classic texts
The Theravada connection
There is a Theravada connection
between Burma and Sri Lanka that was established in the beginning of the
millennium and kept the Theravada Buddhism as the predominant form of Buddhism
in these areas and later also Thailand. The benefits of this connection are (1)
The connection established Sri Lanka as a prime center of Theravadin orthodoxy
and Pali scholarship. (2) the canon and its commentaries became prime sources
of inspiration, not only for the religious life of the area, but also in parts
of secular culture and law. (3) The kings of Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand
maintained the lines of Buddhism alive within their countries which in turn
kept stability in their societies.
The Colonial Period
The colonial period (16th –
20th c CE) affected the government’s religious policy. Moreover the
spread of secular education and of Western Medicine deprived the monks of their
traditional social roles.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka suffered the most from the
colonial period. The Portuguese who first colonized Sri Lanka (1505-1658)
destroyed monasteries, persecuted Buddhists and forcibly converted Buddhists to
Catholicism. Under this pressure the king withdrew to Candy in the mountains,
where they ruled from 1592-1815, supporting Buddhism only insofar as the
circumstances would allow them to. In 1873 it was the Theosophical society
leaders, Helena Blavatsy and Col. Henry Steel Olcott who took over the
formation of the Protestan Buddhism movement, encouraging people to play an
active role in the revival of Buddhism. This provided the model for the
Buddhist movements of the 20th c CE. This movement became the
rallying point for the nationalist anti-colonial cause.
The Burmese Sangha was better
preserved through the colonialist period maybe because the English (1886-1948)
had learned from their mistakes in Sri Lanka, or maybe because it was a shorter
colonial period.
Thailand was never colonized yet the
traditional roles in society for monks were displaced by the advent of secular
education and Western medicine. The strength in the government though allowed
the Sangha to stay outside politics (unlike Sri Lanka and Burma).
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